About Me


  My name is Victor, born in Moldova, I studied at Technical University of Moldova - Civil engineering Industry.

  I came in US through an exchange program and started to work in commercial and industrial remodeling projects which I'm involved till current days. Many of people I've meet during this time are involved in tech and often got to see what is it about. I got interested and started to explore more and more.

  During my exploration I remembered that couple of years ago during school, I volunteered for ECPAT(End Child Prostitution and Trafficking) - in safety trainings with childrens and parents as well: "How to protect children online, safe Internet surfing, prevent sexual exploitation of children".

  So I decided that I have to learn more about Web Development and tech that will help me to get along with people/companies that are working on "SAFETY ONLINE" with the potential for global reach and impact. From previous experiences I demonstrate credibility in the problems I'm tackling.

  Since people(including childrens) around the globe, now spend a lot more time on WEB - Apps rather than watching TV, I would like to work in this industry and take part of a team that works on features how to make us SAFER ONLINE. The tech Industry is changing the world a lot and I want to be part of it and of course for wise changes that will lead us to a better future for everybody.